Recent projects successfully delivered by SETas include:
Waratah township expansion - Road network expansion, water, sewer, stormwater services, power and comms design and modelling of future water supply and sewer pump station upgrades
Triabunna tomorrow - Design of urbanisation streetscape for the Township including roads, footpaths, streetscaping, parking and stormwater upgrades
Sorel Council road upgrades - Geotechnical assessment, pavement and civil design of rural road network upgrades
Sorel Council Seventh Avenue stormwater upgrade - Flood modelling review, hydraulic assessment and detailed civil design of flood mitigation works
City of Hobart - Lenah Valley bridge replacement - Project Management
State Government - Peacock centre carpark and stormwater design
Department of Education - Molesworth Primary flood mitigation and bank stabilisation works
City of Hobart - Mitah Crescent landslip rehabilitation
City of Hobart - Flood restoration works Project Management
Glenorchy City Council - Fire trail upgrade program
Hobart City Council - Molle Street signalisation design
City of Hobart - Pinnacle Road safety upgrade program
City of Hobart - Lambert Creek flood mitigation works
Clarence City Council – Private lighting poles inspection and risk assessment
City of Hobart – Pedestrian bridge inspections and risk assessment
City of Hobart – Huon Track design, specification and contract administration
City of Hobart – Fenton Fire Trail design, specification and contract administration
City of Hobart – DHAR access review and re-design
City of Hobart – Knocklofty fire trail risk assessment and remedial action plan
CDO - Linear renewals works (Cadbury Road, Mount View Road, Droughty Point, Tea Tree Road, Langura Avenue, Huon Hwy)
CDO - UV2A disinfection program, civil and structural design (Mount Leslie, Chimney Saddle and Distillery Creek)
CDO - Reatta Road UV upgrade and reservoir inlet works
CDO - Zeehan WTP clarifier access structural works
CDO - Gawler WTP clarifier overflow bypass works
CDO - King Street, Bolton Street and Bedford Street water main renewals
CDO - Sandy Bay pressure control stations
Taswater – Rupert Street, Queenstown sewer diversion civil design
Taswater – Risdon Reservoir PRV assembly
Taswater – Bathurst Street watermain renewal
Taswater – Kirksway Place watermain renewal
Taswater – Hean Street, Peters Street, Park Road, Cohen Street, Arthur Street, Read Street, Evans Street watermain renewals
Taswater – Stanfield Drive sewer extension and pump station diversion
Taswater – Burnie CAM HAZOP/Design review
Taswater - Maluka Terrace PRV station upgrade
Taswater - Tullah STP submarine outfall and metering assembly
Taswater - Breadalbane water supply upgrade
Taswater – Gladstone watermain renewal program scoping and civil design
Launceston Airport - Carpark expansion, lighting, security, WSUD and pedestrian facilities
Department of Education - Bagdad Primary wastewater assessment
Department of Education – South Hobart Primary flood analysis and mitigation design
Department of Defense - Stony Head training ground infrastructure upgrades
Department of Defense - TS Emu coastal rehabilitation and fire protection upgrades
Department of Defense - Buckland training ground infrastructure upgrades
Department of Education - Carpark design and options analysis Bagdad Primary
Cycling South - Engineering feasibility study, Tasman Highway underpass
Greenfield subdivisions - From 2 to 248 Lots across the state. Projects taken from planning phase, engineering approvals, contractor engagement and construction management.
Flood inundation assessments - Flood studies to assist with development approvals and to inform subdivision planning and civil works
Waratah township expansion - Road network expansion, water, sewer, stormwater services, power and comms design and modelling of future water supply and sewer pump station upgrades
Triabunna tomorrow - Design of urbanisation streetscape for the Township including roads, footpaths, streetscaping, parking and stormwater upgrades
Sorel Council road upgrades - Geotechnical assessment, pavement and civil design of rural road network upgrades
Sorel Council Seventh Avenue stormwater upgrade - Flood modelling review, hydraulic assessment and detailed civil design of flood mitigation works
City of Hobart - Lenah Valley bridge replacement - Project Management
State Government - Peacock centre carpark and stormwater design
Department of Education - Molesworth Primary flood mitigation and bank stabilisation works
City of Hobart - Mitah Crescent landslip rehabilitation
City of Hobart - Flood restoration works Project Management
Glenorchy City Council - Fire trail upgrade program
Hobart City Council - Molle Street signalisation design
City of Hobart - Pinnacle Road safety upgrade program
City of Hobart - Lambert Creek flood mitigation works
Clarence City Council – Private lighting poles inspection and risk assessment
City of Hobart – Pedestrian bridge inspections and risk assessment
City of Hobart – Huon Track design, specification and contract administration
City of Hobart – Fenton Fire Trail design, specification and contract administration
City of Hobart – DHAR access review and re-design
City of Hobart – Knocklofty fire trail risk assessment and remedial action plan
CDO - Linear renewals works (Cadbury Road, Mount View Road, Droughty Point, Tea Tree Road, Langura Avenue, Huon Hwy)
CDO - UV2A disinfection program, civil and structural design (Mount Leslie, Chimney Saddle and Distillery Creek)
CDO - Reatta Road UV upgrade and reservoir inlet works
CDO - Zeehan WTP clarifier access structural works
CDO - Gawler WTP clarifier overflow bypass works
CDO - King Street, Bolton Street and Bedford Street water main renewals
CDO - Sandy Bay pressure control stations
Taswater – Rupert Street, Queenstown sewer diversion civil design
Taswater – Risdon Reservoir PRV assembly
Taswater – Bathurst Street watermain renewal
Taswater – Kirksway Place watermain renewal
Taswater – Hean Street, Peters Street, Park Road, Cohen Street, Arthur Street, Read Street, Evans Street watermain renewals
Taswater – Stanfield Drive sewer extension and pump station diversion
Taswater – Burnie CAM HAZOP/Design review
Taswater - Maluka Terrace PRV station upgrade
Taswater - Tullah STP submarine outfall and metering assembly
Taswater - Breadalbane water supply upgrade
Taswater – Gladstone watermain renewal program scoping and civil design
Launceston Airport - Carpark expansion, lighting, security, WSUD and pedestrian facilities
Department of Education - Bagdad Primary wastewater assessment
Department of Education – South Hobart Primary flood analysis and mitigation design
Department of Defense - Stony Head training ground infrastructure upgrades
Department of Defense - TS Emu coastal rehabilitation and fire protection upgrades
Department of Defense - Buckland training ground infrastructure upgrades
Department of Education - Carpark design and options analysis Bagdad Primary
Cycling South - Engineering feasibility study, Tasman Highway underpass
Greenfield subdivisions - From 2 to 248 Lots across the state. Projects taken from planning phase, engineering approvals, contractor engagement and construction management.
Flood inundation assessments - Flood studies to assist with development approvals and to inform subdivision planning and civil works